Citizens of Heaven Church exists to display and declare the glory of God as disciples of Jesus Christ, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations and equipping them to reflect Jesus by loving God, loving others, and seeking the good of the city of Chattanooga.

We love God by:

  • Worshipping Him

  • Seeking fellowship with Him through prayer and supplication

  • Studying and obeying His word, growing in personal sanctification

  • Remembering Jesus’s sacrifice and our identity with Him through believer’s baptism and regular observance of the Lord’s Supper

  • Seeking biblical fellowship with one another

We love others by:

  • Proclaiming the gospel/good news through preaching, personal evangelism, and other means consistent with the teachings of scripture

  • Equipping God’s people through Bible instruction and personal example, for the ministry and personal progressive sanctification.

  • Encouraging, supporting, and participating in missions work locally, domestically, and internationally

We seek the good of the city by:

  • Serving other individuals, families, and churches by providing for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in the name of Jesus Christ

worship image


We desire our church to be a place where people are a part of true, biblical community and feel blended together as the family of God! We pray that our Sunday gatherings, weekly ministries, lifegroups, and everything in between are all tools that help us to develop that community.



At Citizens of Heaven Church, we understand that we’re called to serve the church and utilize the giftings and talents that God has given us! We want to be known as a people of service and a people who are intentional in helping others feel welcomed into our family. The life of our church flourishes when we all step up and serve!


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Mailing Address
PO Box 911
Chattanooga, TN 37401

(423) 541-9600