Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
As a church, we believe that followers of Jesus are all called into the mission of God and that we all have a part to play in the Gospel spreading from our homes all the way to the nations. There are millions of people around the world who have not heard the good news of the Gospel and as a people we want to be obedient to whatever God asks of us. We believe that participation in God's mission begins here in our community and continues to the ends of the Earth.

local missions

CHATT Foundation
A very practical way that we choose to seek the good of our city is by caring for those in need. Over forty years ago, the CHATT Foundation started as a community kitchen and fed the hungry. Over time, they have added services for the homeless, like shelter and counseling. We are blessed to partner as a church with them both financially and in service.

Home Away From Home Ministry
The goal of this ministry is to provide college students and young adults who are new to this area with an enriched experience within our church community. We believe this is a wonderful opportunity to display who we are as a church family to people looking for community. Our hope is that through this ministry, church members are able to develop meaningful relationships with young people that will continue to develop and grow into something deeper.

Brown Academy
One of the strong connections that is a focal point for us as a church family is our partnership with Brown Academy. We have a team of people who regularly serve the faculty, staff, and students at the school through projects and other service opportunities.

Good News Club
We have a team of individuals who host this well-established program across the country at Brown Academy as an after school program devoted to sharing the good news of Jesus with students. It is a one-hour program led by a team of volunteers designed to share the Gospel with students on their level and in their own environment.
global missions
As a church, we believe that all of us are called to play a part within God's global mission. Because of that, we have prayerfully developed a global missions strategy that extends to the uttermost parts of the Earth. This strategy is to send workers to people and nations who have not heard the name of Jesus and to ultimately be obedient to go wherever God sends us. Before we can go, we believe we have to understand exactly what each of our roles are within God's plan and we want to educate and disciple our people to have a heart that is aligned with God's heart for the nations.

One of the first ways that we can help shape a global perspective within our people is through our Global Missions Experience. This is a one day, short term global missions opportunity to experience ways to engage with and build relationship with people from other cultures and nations living right in our backyard here in Chattanooga.

This course is a more in-depth journey to grow in your understanding of God's heart for the nations. It is a two day course to be able to study the thread woven throughout the whole of the Bible of God making Himself known to all peoples and to better understand what your personal role is within God's global story.
Join the mission
We are all called to play our part and we pray that God continues to find our church to be an obedient people, set on taking the Gospel from our neighborhood to the nations. Whether it's our local missions opportunities or it's within our global missions strategy, will you be willing to join us?