
Will Campbell
Will is married to Taylor, has a son named Jonathan Reid, a daughter named Becca Lynn, and a dog named Ben. Will is the Teaching Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for leading and shepherding the entire church as we follow God’s direction and mission set out for us. His desire for the church is that it would be a place where the dead would be raised to life and that the saints would increasingly grow into the image and character of God through the teaching and application of His Word.

Reid Work
Reid is married to Bri, has two sons named JC and Judah, and a Siberian Husky named Nukka. Reid is the Worship and Communications Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for the stewardship and leadership of the worship ministry, the flow and structure of the worship experiences in all ministries, as well as communications and creative direction across the church. His desire is to help people know and understand what worship is and how giving ourselves to the worship of God is the most important thing that we can do in every aspect of our lives. The Works love coffee, Texas Longhorn football, and Tex-Mex.

Caleb anderson
Caleb is married to Bri, has a daughter named Millie, and a husky named Willow. Caleb is the College and Young Adult Director at Citizens of Heaven Church and is responsible for stewarding and shepherding young adults between the ages of 18-25. His passion and desire is to see college students and young adults in Chattanooga experience the life-changing power of the Gospel of Jesus through the Word and the power of the Spirit in a real and authentic way. Caleb loves the outdoors and spends his free time in the woods, at the golf course, or on walks with his family.

Hunter Stonebraker
Hunter is the son of Jeff and Deniece and has a little brother, Brandon, who all live in his hometown of Mt. Juliet, TN. Hunter is the Youth Director at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for stewarding and shepherding students 6th grade through college. His desire is that students, no matter their age, will grow in their faith and knowledge of God, and that he will help them be able to navigate the calling on their lives as followers of Jesus. He loves sports and has the equipment needed to play most any sport in the trunk of his car at all times.

Brittany Lawson
Brittany is married to Kasey, has two sons named Ronan and James, and a dog named Max. Brittany is the Kingdom Kids Director at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for creating a safe and effective place of ministry where kids from babies all the way to 5th grade can learn the love and hope of Christ, while also helping equip families to disciple their children. Her hope each week is that kids will leave here on Sundays knowing more about Jesus than they did when they arrived, and that we can even engage well with families from our community who do not have a church home. Her entire family's most favorite activity is attending concerts together.

Logan Hunt
Logan is married to Will, has two toddler girls named Laney and Karis, a son named Karu, and a son named Warren who lives in Heaven. Logan is the Assimilations Coordinator at Citizens of Heaven Church where she helps individuals and families get plugged into our church family, while also assisting with administrative tasks each week. Her desire for our church is that people feel known and find their place within our church family so that they can experience Christ-centered community. The Hunts have three rescue dogs and they all love to watch and play sports.

Mary Kate Kitsmiller
Mary Kate is married to Matthew, has a daughter named Dana, a son named Deacon, and a sweet black lab named Maggie. Mary Kate is the Lead Designer at Citizens of Heaven Church where she helps design everything from graphics, visuals, signage, as well as the overall aesthetic of our church. Her desire for her ministry area is to see design and artwork used for the advancement of the Kingdom and the glory of God. She believes that we serve a creative God who makes creative people, those creative people exist within the church, and so she desires our space to be a place where God’s children can express His glory and goodness through art and design. Mary Kate is an avid reader and loves to spend any free time she has reading books.

Michael is married to Tiffany, has an incredibly happy son named Asher, and a Maltipoo named Lincoln. Michael serves as the Lifegroups and Finance Pastor and an Elder at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for all of the accounting and finance, as well as the training and development of our lifegroups.

Brent is married to Kristi, has four boys, two daughters-in-law, and one incredible grandson. Brent serves as the Local Missions Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for administratively leading our engagement within our community around the three specific focus areas that we have adopted as a church.

Jeremy is married to Jennifer and has three girls and one son-in-law. Jeremy is the Counseling and Development Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for shepherding our people through seasons and stages of life by helping connect them to means of counseling and discipleship.

John hammel
John is married to Nikki and has three daughters, two sons, a son-in-law, and a beautiful granddaughter. John serves as the Marriage and Families Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for administratively leading the engagement of our families within our church, as well as shepherding the means of discipleship within the households of our church.

jason thomas
Jason is married to Stacey and they have two daughters. Jason serves as the Global Missions Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for administratively leading our global engagement as well as shepherding our long-term global strategy.

Will Campbell
Will is married to Taylor and they have a son and a daughter. Will is the Teaching Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for leading and shepherding the entire church as we follow God’s direction and mission set out for us.

Reid Work
Reid is married to Bri and has two sons. Reid is the Worship and Communications Pastor at Citizens of Heaven Church, and is responsible for the stewardship and leadership of the worship ministry, the flow and structure of the worship experiences in all ministries, as well as communications and creative direction across the church.