For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
At Citizens of Heaven Church, we understand that we’re called to serve the church and utilize the giftings and talents that God has given us! We want to be known as a people of service and a people who are intentional in helping others feel welcomed into our family. The life of our church flourishes when we all step up and serve! There are various ways at Citizens Church that we can utilize our time and talents to give back in service, both inside the walls of our church and outside of them.
serve teams
How do I serve?
First and foremost, we ask that everyone who serves in any capacity at Citizens Church to be a covenant member of our church family. The first step would be for you to attend a CORE membership class before getting plugged into a team to serve with us. To attend a class, please follow the link below.
How do I serve with Kingdom Kids?
Our Kingdom Kids ministry is one of the fastest growing ministries in our church! There are weekly opportunities during any of our worship gatherings, from nursery through elementary, ministering to kids in positions anywhere from teaching to worship.
How do I serve with Citizens 1825?
Citizens 1825 meets weekly on Monday nights from 6:30p to 8:30p for The Table. There are opportunities for leading breakout groups, serving food, as well as hosting and leading for special events like Fall Retreat.
How do I serve with First Impressions?
Our First Impressions Team serves in the parking lot, greeting people at the door, at the information bar, and anywhere in between! These individuals are on the frontline to showing the love of Jesus to all those who come into our space.
How do I serve with Citizens Youth?
Citizens Youth meets every Wednesday night from 6:00p to 8:00p for the worship service as well as breakout groups. There are opportunities for leading groups on a weekly basis as well as hosting or leading for special events like Discipleship Now and Summer Camp.
How do I serve with worship?
Our worship ministry includes vocalists, instrumentalists, and AV technicians and we host auditions for open positions once a semester. The potential positions range from Sunday morning gatherings to specific ministry gatherings.

We want to be a people who are plugged into our community and our Backyard ministry helps us do just that! Whether through weekly service like game nights and sports, or through our annual ministry event called Backyard Summer Weekend, we hope to build life and relationship with our community in ways that have a long-lasting and eternal impact.